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Sopley Primary School

Sopley Primary School

Football Club - All Years

Personal Best Education's After School Football club will be returning on Wednesday 11th September 2024, for both KS1-including Reception and KS2 pupils. 

The club will run every Wednesday from 3.15pm to 4.15pm, for 12-term-time sessions - the last session will be Wednesday 4th December 2024. The children will look at a mixture of shooting, dribbling, and technical skills, before moving into match play, each week.

Your child will already be in their school PE kit and trainers, but for the football club they will need shin pads and preferably football boots.

To make a booking for Sopley after school football club

Step 1: Go to 
Step 2: Select Choose Activity – Sopley Primary School After School Clubs - Football
Step 3: Select Booking option – Sopley Primary School After School Clubs- Football - From Wed, 11 Sep 2024: 15:15 - 16:15
Step 4: Add Attendees Details, and click on add activity to Basket, then click on proceed to checkout
Step 5: Complete key information boxes
Step 6: Pay for the course

Any questions, please email Fin on